Everyone meet Kate Elizabeth!
The most precious face guilty of all the kicks, jabs and tumbles made in secret this past year. Every second with this little girl has been spent in complete awe of God’s handiwork and we love learning who she is between these sleepy, slow-paced moments. In celebration of her 2months approaching this week, we have put together a collection of memories to share with you all! We promise we will be back to work real soon, but for now it’s gummy grins and sweetest rest.
We have joked that the first few days in the hospital felt like a staycation. It was so unexpectedly quiet and full of such peace. We took Kate home 3days after an elected cesarean completely healthy measuring just over 6lbs (nearly 4lbs lighter than her big brother was). The first time we saw Kate will forever be ingrained in our hearts. Our precious daughter knitted together by the same hands who created heaven and earth… we can’t stop praising our Father and King for His goodness, grace and mercy that has led us to this present moment. How underserving we are of this infallible love.
*added a few more shots from our iPhones below from the first few days with baby K!